Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Let Kids be Kids...

Jack commented the other day that he wanted some gardening gloves like mine and daddy's (technically his were work gloves, but we'll skip the particulars for now...).  So tonight I bought him a pair at Target as long as he promised to help pull weeds when needed.  Of course he agreed, and of course he won't, but that's beside the point.  He asked if he could wear them to bed and I don't know why my first reaction is always "no" (oh yeah, because I'm a MOM and usually their questions are OUT of the question if you know what I mean?!).  And then I paused and thought "Why NOT?"  So Jack slipped on his brand-spankin' new gardening gloves, curled up with his favorite stuffed animals and he was set for a good night o' sleep!  Sweet dreams buddy-boy...


We went to the kids' Ice-Cream Social the other night at school.  They had a blast playing all the games, doing the cake walk (which Kate won) and getting tattoos.  They wanted me to take pictures of them before all the magic was washed away.

It's Okay to be Jealous...

Josh and I celebrated our 10th Anniversary last Friday.  Josh surprised me with a real gen-u-ine Coach bag!  Beautiful, huh?  I thought so.  He also gave me a beautiful card.  You know what I got him?  A big cup-o Jack-squat!  That's right... NADA!!!  In my defense, we had agreed NOT to exchange gifts, but I completely forgot about the card!  I felt bad for a couple days and then I remembered!  He proposed to me (sans ring) in a La-Z-Boy store!!!  I say we're even.  LOL  I did agree to let him buy his electric guitar (Pause for laughter) when the mood struck him.  So technically, he's getting a pretty good deal! ;-)

Made With Love

The other day I made a coffee cake and this near perfect heart showed up.  Next time I going for Jesus and selling it on Ebay...

A Boy And His Dog

Need I say more?

(P.S.  For all of those observant folks out there, Jack is using Kate's DS, not his own...)

Packers Stadium and Hall of Fame

Josh wanted to visit the Packers Stadium and Hall of Fame for his birthday, so off we went.  The tour of the stadium was pretty lame, but there was a lot of neat information on how the team was created and how they are managed today.  It was still fun to see and we got some fun pictures.  Plus it was just nice to get away from the house for awhile.  Maybe this year we can actually get to a game!

Track and Field

Kate participated in her first Track and Field.  She won ribbons in Softball throw (2nd Place), Marathon Run (3rd Place) and Long Jump (4th Place).  Way to go Kate!  We are so proud of you!!!  She had a lot of fun, and I got really burnt!  It was the first really HOT day of the year and it was super windy.  I knew that I needed lotion (being from Arizona it's always on your mind), but once they started the events, I ended up traveling wherever she was competing.  Since Kate's first four events were far from my starting position (where I left my cooler and chair and supplies), I was without access to my sunblock until the very end.  At that point I was scared to use it anyways because I had the spray-on kind and thought for sure if I applied it, it would undoubtedly go into someones eyes or mouth due to the obscene wind that day.  Once I actually felt my skin burning, I decided it was time to chance it.  I just held it super close to my body and then rubbed it in from there...but unfortunately the damage was already done...think lobster...OUCH!  (I did not include a picture of this since I felt I have embarrassed myself enough with the story...LOL).  Luckily for me, I was not the only parent that went without protection on that fateful day.  It was easy to spot all the fans from the day before as they picked up their children after school the next day.  It was almost like we had scarlet (no pun) letter of shame for our lack of responsibility regarding our skin care... oh well, live and learn and remember your sunscreen this summer!

Since when did potato-sack races become part of Track & Field???  I was wondering if the egg and spoon race or bobbing for apples would be next! LOL

Girls just wanna have fun!

Obstacle Course

Kate and Julia

Kate and Marina

Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby!

Thirty-four years ago a precious gift was brought into this world.  That gift was you Josh.  And throughout your time here you have touched many lives and made a positive impact on those around you...but no one more than me.  I often speak of our children this way and that is because my life is only complete with all three of you.  You each enrich my life every moment of every day.  I am extremely blessed to have you in my life and I don't take one moment of it for granted.  Happy Birthday Josh!!!  What a GREAT day to celebrate!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Charles and Jace!!!

One year ago today, we were all gathered together for a momentous occasion- the birth of two beautiful, healthy boys. Two couples had come together, not knowing who the the other was, but knowing that they shared a unique interest. They agreed to work together to create a miracle (or in this case two). Out of this relationship, two lives were created and a family was born.
On May 3rd those miracles made their way into this world. It was a moment that words fail to describe. There are not enough adjectives in ANY language to describe what a wonderful event this had been. We may have met as strangers, but parted as friends. I am so blessed and proud to have been part of this journey. It is amazing to see how much the boys have grown in just one short year. It warms my heart beyond measure to see the joy they share as a family. I look forward to seeing where your lives take you. Happy birthday Charles and Jace!!!

Here we all are just before delivery. You can see I've swelled up like a balloon ready to burst!

Jeff and Jenn get to hold their boys at last!



The whole family together celebrating Charles' and Jace's first birthday!  I think it should be a crime to look that good!

(Dad)         (Jace)       (Charles)       (Mom)

The boys getting their party hats on!

I think this is my favorite picture.  It's cute to see the two of them interacting as if they are the only ones there.  Too cute!!!

They seemed a little apprehensive at first to dig in...but it didn't take long...


...psst!  Boys...you have a little something on your face! ;-)

And here's me one year later in my party dress (no longer ready to pop like an over-filled water ballon)!  Now I'm ready to stuff myself properly...like with some cake!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Mister Maters...

I know I'm sick and have an unnatural obsession with my puppers...but I can't help it! He's just so darn cute and cuddly!!! And there! I've admitted I have a problem. Isn't that the first step towards recovery??? Ah, who am I kidding?...I'll never follow any of the other steps.... I'm a lost cause... :-)